Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A REAL housewife of Portland

The other day it occurred to me just how really blessed I am.  I was at home ALONE doing the dishes after I had just spent some time on the phone with some developers in Tennessee and my guys down in Costa Rica (I'll blog about them later).  So it just hit me that I am so grateful to be able to work from home, make a good living, and be here for when my kids go to school and come home.  I tend to take an hour+ break and workout (crossfitter here...) during the day.  It occurred to me WOW, life is REALLY good!  I also had the thought of this, I don't need to be worried that I'm not the CTO of a fortune 500 but, I'm the owner of a small business with NO office in Portland (well technically I'm still paying rent on a spot but, I'd be happy to let you have it) and an office in Costa Rica with 8 people working in it.  It seems kind of ass backwards I know but, I truly feel that this is God's design for my life and it's just awesome; more than I could have ever imagined or hoped for.

So this housewife started soccer back up last night and my oldest daughter Hannah came with me.  A long time friend of mine from Elementary school invited me to play and it was a lot of fun.  Next year I'm taking up hockey, that's it I've decided I want to play; oh did I mention I can't skate for shit!

Well for all you other housewives out there here's to you!  Have a wonderful day and remember the kids grow up so fast you blink your eye and their in middle school, do it again and their in high school, college, married, and in another state...

Love your lives my fellow housewives!



  1. From your first housewife Mom, me--way to go, you get it. Enjoy those days--oh how right you are, they are gone in a heartbeat. You are doing a great job. Here's an old Mom cheer--Go Buck!!!
