Friday, April 4, 2014

If today was your last day

So this morning I was talking with a group of people about "If today was your last day, what one thing would you do"

Immediately my mind went to 'picnic with the kids and Gary' not too creative but it was my first thought.

In this group discussion I have with my friends we have a format where the person that sets the topic then asks if people want to share the first guy that shared is a very influential person in my life and his comment was "I'd try for my first time in my life to be 100% present in the moment, to be grateful for everything that came to him in that day... and he wouldn't have to worry about planning anything in the future" :)

Next, thought that crossed my mind was the Simpson's movie where all the drunks run from the bar to the church and all the church folks run to the bar.

The more people that talked the more people said BE PRESENT, it's funny how when facing death you realize how important it is to be present in your life and appreciate what's right here right now.  I guess that leads me to:

"Life is so simple but we insist on making it complicated" - Confucius

Just be here, right now, be grateful for the EVERY thing that occurs in your life (even death, even donuts)

So on another note, we went to the Wanderlust Circus last night in Alberta and it was really great!  We were celebrating adding a new developer to our project so we went out for Sushi, a show, and Ice Cream and donuts afterwards.  The girls were very reluctant to go and as usual in the end they really loved it!  It was an amazing time, it felt like this old time side show, the music was right out of the 50s with a creepy feel to it and some amazing acts including, a strong man lifting and throwing a woman around, a tap dancer, a lassoing cowboy, and an amazing handstanding woman.  You know yesterday could of been a good candidate for my last day.


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