Thursday, April 10, 2014


I heard someone say today that "balance is that place in the middle when I'm swinging from one extreme to the other"

What the hell is balance and why do I need or even want balance in my life?  I'm totally fine working out 2+ hours a day until I burn out and decide to play X Box 360 for 5 instead until that's no good and ice cream and cookies and TV take over; Hell I can even swing on over to work and take on 3 or 4 'full time' jobs.  You may ask how do you do that, well I don't do any of them very well is what really happens.

I had someone share something with me recently that's got be thinking about balance and a full life the idea is to even distribute your time into boxes of high and low intensity group and individual things.  Mine looks something like this.

High Intensity - Indoor Soccer (once a week), Little League Softball Coaching (twice a week)
Low Intensity - Spiritual meeting (2-5 times a week)

High Intensity - Crossfit (I workout alone mostly), Work (I work at home alone),
Low Intensity - ?

So that's pretty much me... I guess.  I think the idea is to find more things in each category to help create a better balanced life.  I really struggle to find a low intensity thing I do alone (on a consistent basis) meditating could be one but, I do that only when my head is screwed up.

Today is Audree's Birthday!  She is 11 years old today and I don't think she will know the full extent of how she changed my life.  That little girl is so special and today I am glad that I can say I will be there for her and I will be present for HER birthday this isn't my celebration it's hers and we will make it super duper just for her.

Happy Birthday sweet heart, I love you.

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