Thursday, April 3, 2014

leave no stone unturned

So, committing to blogging once a day is a challenge!  I'm in a mode where I am looking at getting work done and the creative bowels have been evacuated.  I guess it's ok to be in just a daily grind...  Well I will share something that' been of interest to me in the last couple days.  We just added a new developer to one of our projects (the French 911 system project), I guess this has/is having some thoughts run through my head about the things that get presented to us and what we choose to do with them.  So, about 3 weeks ago this guy emailed me and then we had a Skype conversation about a project he was pursuing and he was asking if I'd be interested in a CTO position.  I told him I'd entertain the idea... well time went on and I really paid it no mind although we did have some nice chats and the guy knows his stuff around Java development.  So anyways the project seemed to just fade off; that's when he emailed me back and said 'hey did you hear from them' I said 'no I didn't' and he said they hadn't contacted him either, so I kindly replied 'well if you have something come up in the future let me know I'd be happy to discuss it with you'  his response was 'the way things are going right now I'll be asking you for a project' that's when I asked for his resume and rate; next thing I know he's on our project working with us from Dublin, Ireland.  It's really a bizarre story and the thing I'm picking up is there is this great force putting things together and if you choose to investigate, explore, and feel these experiences; well they may just affect you in ways that will surprise you.  I am a firm believer that everything is perfect; that the experiences I am having right now are part of something bigger, I also believe that I can make decisions to impact this out come positive/negative (good/bad).

So anyways that's my blog for today, I guess the saying 'leave no stone unturned' is fitting for me right now.

1 comment:

  1. OK then, it's me again--the Mom. I love reading your insights, they make ME stop and reflect on the bigger picture. We've shared these thoughts--all things in their time and for a reason. We can fight it and fret over it, but as you tell me, it really isn't going to change the outcome. So, on that note--have a great day. I'm going to play in the garden.
